Hendrix Eleven Puts Up Stubborn But Losing Battle on Henderson-Brown’s Gridiron

November 17, 1916

Conway Log Cabin Democrat Weekly

ARKADELPHIA – The Hendrix College Bulldogs, playing against great odds, lost to the Henderson-Brown Reddies here yesterday afternoon (November 17), 19-0. A majority of Coach Bill Headrick’s charges should have been under the care of physicians and trained nurses instead of playing football.

Here is the line on the physical condition of the Bulldogs. Herman Gossett, one of the best ends ever turned out at Hendrix, did not even get into the battle, as he was suffering from a broken shoulder.

Captain Roy Wilson at Center was unable to put up the fight he usually displays as he has a badly sprained ankle.

Hulon Holmes at end was suffering intense agonies throughout the melee from a sprained ankle and four broken toes.

Jim Wahl at fullback was considerably set back on account of muscles in his back being out of commission.

Other members of the team were suffering more or less serious injuries.

Withal, however, it must be said that the Hendrix team staged a stubborn fight. The lads were slow to take advantages of the fumbles committed by the opposing team, which accounts for a least one of the Reddies’ three touchdowns. The first quarter was Hendrix’ in every particular, but during the remaining three periods the Bulldogs played on the defensive most of the time.

Henderson’s first touchdown was made by Boone in the second quarter two minutes after play was begun. The Reddie quarterback circled left end, covering the 42 yards between him and the goal line with “Piggie” Sinclair at his heels. “Piggie” was unable to gain enough on the runner to make a tackle. Goal was missed. Score, Henderson 6, Hendrix 0.

The second half opened with Hendrix kicking, recovering the ball on its 25-yard line when the Reddies failed to make their downs. After gaining seven yards, Hendrix punted. Henderson being downed in midfield where Boone plowed through the line for the second touchdown. Boone kicked goal. Score, Henderson 13, Hendrix 0.

In the fourth quarter, Henderson carried the ball to Hendrix’ five-yard line and fumbled. Three Bulldogs apparently stood by and watched two Reddies jump upon the ball, recovering it for Henderson. On the next play, Gee carried the ball over for a touchdown. Goal was missed. Score, Henderson 19, Hendrix 0.

With the Bulldogs in condition, they probably would have held the Arkadelphians scoreless, but they would have found it difficult to score on the machine of Coach Jimmie Haygood’s. The Reddies played a charging game, very little open work being displayed. The Hendrix line crumbled under the onslaughts of the Reddies, and it was through this medium that a majority of their gains came. The Henderson backs formed an excellent interference for the runner.

The home team was penalized frequently for holding, tripping and offside plays, while Hendrix sustained few penalties, all of which were for off-sides.

Yesterday’s score was the same by which the Bulldogs defeated the Reddies at Conway last year. The teams will meet year on Russell Field at Conway.

Picks All-Hendrix Football Team

December 5, 1913

Conway Log Cabin Democrat Weekly

Editor J.J. Harrison of the Hendrix Bulldog publishes in this week’s edition of that journal an all-Hendrix football team, selecting the best men who have served in the team since intercollegiate football was begun. His article on the subject appears below:

We were asked the other day to name our selection of an all-time Hendrix team. In making the following choices, we have picked a combination with a a view more to their team play than to their individual worth.

The list contains four former captains:

  • Left End: Charles
  • Left Tackle: Cunningham
  • Left Guard: Bishop
  • Center: Shinn
  • Right Guard: Jack Johnson
  • Right Tackle: Young
  • Right End: Harton
  • Quarterback: Gal Harrison
  • Right Halfback: Holmes
  • Left Halfback: Staples
  • Fullback: Bill James

Bill James gets the call over McCormack because of superior speed, though there is little choice even then. No one disputes the selection of Holmes and Staples. Gal Harrison gets his place by virtue of being the greatest passer and punter Hendrix ever had as well as a great field general. Young’s nerve gets him his place just as Bishop’s “head” gets him a place at guard. Most everyone will agree on the other selections. Harton would do the place-kicking and part of the punting. Charles is a great passer and his left hand shots would confuse the enemy on formation passes.

(Editor’s Note: If you are aware of first names from the story, please leave comment below. Comments are unpublished for corrections.)

“Ole Miss” to Play “Bulldogs”

Gridiron Battle November 8

Henderson-Brown and Hendrix Clash for Honors November 15

October 20, 1913

Conway Log Cabin Democrat

CONWAY – “Ole Miss,” the gridiron team which is dreaded by all southern colleges, will arrive in Conway, Saturday, November 8, for a battle with the Hendrix College football aggregation. The record on the scalping path made by “Ole Miss” this season, as well as past seasons, is a source of much pleasure to their fellow students, while on the other hand, they invariably leave many mourners behind them.

The University of Mississippi, whence “Ole Miss” hails, is one of the leading educational institutes of the south. With thousands of students from whom the coaches select the varsity’s squad, it is certain that the team will be chosen which can ably defend the uprights of their alma mater.

Hendrix continues to go through practice antics every afternoon, but there is a noticeable lack of pep and ginger among the squad, said to be caused from a dearth of scheduled games. One one game has been played by the “Bulldogs,” while other teams in the state have played several. The authorities are endeavoring to arrange a contest between the “Bulldogs” and the University of Arkansas Reserves, to be played on Hendrix field tomorrow afternoon.

Friday, the Hendrix warriors leave for Jonesboro, where they will battle with the “Aggies.” The latter team is playing excellent ball this season, and is a strong contender for the state championship honors. While Hendrix entertains no fears of being licked, the team admits it will have to look sharply to keep the “plow jockies” from “slipping one over on them.”

On the following Monday, October 27, the “Bulldogs” take on Arkansas College at Batesville. The Batesvillians have lost several games this season, but Hendrix will not go into the affair overconfident. They expect to win the battle, but at the same time, expect to have to fight for every inch.

On November 15, the most important games of the season will be played on Hendrix field, when the long time rivals, Henderson-Brown of Arkadelphia and Hendrix of the his city will entertain probably 1,500 spectators with a battle royal. This is the decisive game of the season, so far as the state championship is concerned. It is with this game in view that both the “Reddies” and the “Bulldogs” are training. The keenest possible rivalry exists between these two institutions, making the game all the more interesting from the spectators’ viewpoint. Henderson will charter a special train, bringing the entire student body, as well as a large number of townspeople with them, to cheer their pets on to victory.

Little Rock College Easy For Pedagogues

State Normal Football Aggregation Defeat Catholics, 50 to 0

October 18, 1913

Conway Log Cabin Democrat Weekly

CONWAY – On the Normal ground Saturday afternoon, the State Teachers clouted the Catholics from Little Rock College by the score of 50 to 0. Never was the Normal’s goal in danger. From the kickoff, it was seen that the Pedagogues had their opponents clearly out-classed in every particular.

The Normal made its first touchdown three minutes after the referee’s whistle blew. The visitor’s line was very weak, the stocky backs of the locals ploughing through it for substantial gains.

Singleton, Goza and T. Moore starred for the Normal, while Carr and E. Mahoney were the visitors’ best players.

The line-up:


  • Left End – O. Wray, Gammill
  • Left Tackle – Foreman, H. Moore
  • Left Guard – West
  • Center – Harris
  • Right Guard – Hackler
  • Right Tackle -E. Wray
  • Right End – Thorp
  • Quarterback – T. Moore
  • Left Halfback – Webb
  • Right Halfback – Singleton
  • Fullback – Goza

Little Rock College

  • Left End – Gaines
  • Left Tackle – Lousch
  • Left Guard – Bell
  • Center – Mehaffey
  • Right Guard – Smith
  • Right Tackle – H. Mahoney
  • Right End – Wayne
  • Quarterback – Younger
  • Left Halfback – E. Mahoney
  • Right Halfback – Poe
  • Fullback – Corr

Summary – Touchdowns, Singleton 3, T. Moore 2, Webb, Goza, O. Wray; goals from touchdown, T. Moore 2; referee, Harrison of Hendrix; umpire, Wilson of Hendrix; linesman, Stubbs of Hendrix and Clark of Conway High School; timekeepers, Ehrenberger of Little Rock College and Cunningham of Hendrix; time of periods, 10 minutes each.

Gridiron Heroes Work

Thirty-Five Candidates Out for Pine Bluff High School Team

October 6, 1913

PINE BLUFF – More than 35 candidates for the high school team have turned out, and daily the scrimmages are becoming more and more strenuous. With the exception of the men remaining from last year’s team, all positions are unsettled.

The only fight in the backfield is for the position of fullback. Hamlin and Albright are the contestants. There appears to be little difference in their form at the present. The position of end is another one for which there is competition, fully half a dozen men trying for the coveted places.

Jones seems a likely candidate for guard. “Chuck” Lyle, of course, remains supreme at center.

Of the understudies for the backfield, Hartell Toney is considered one of the most promising.

Although coach Bassett has not definitely arranged the entire schedule he has received several communications from other coaches offering dates to play. The Thanksgiving game will, as usual, be played on the home grounds with Camden.

Coach Bassett is endeavoring to arrange a game with Little Rock.

Source: Arkansas Gazette, October 7, 1913

Final Game is Won by Normal

April 10, 1912

Conway Log Cabin Democrat

CONWAY — Going after the with a determination not to allow the visitors to make a clean sweep of the series, the State Normal defeated Ouachita, 4 to 1, in the final contest at Hendrix park yesterday afternoon. The Pedagogues showed a remarkable reversal of form, playing an almost perfect game in the field and bunching their hits effectively. Landers pitched splendidly. While allowing more hits than Sammons, he kept them scattered in all except the eighth, when the visitors made their lone tally. The Ouachita infield was unsteady. H. Muse, their first-baseman, accumulated four errors.

Ouachita … 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 — 1 8 7

Normal …… 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 x — 4 5 2

Batteries — Normal, Landers and Sipe. Ouachita, Sammons and Easterline. Umpire — Parker.

The Ouachita team left this morning (April 11) for Russellville, where after two games with the Second District Agricultural School, they go to Cumberland and to Fayetteville to play the Razorbacks.

On account of the unsettled weather, Coach Nixon of the Normal canceled the games today (April 11) and tomorrow with Cumberland College. This team has been playing at Batesville and passed through Conway today on their way home.

Ouachita takes Second Game

April 8, 1912

Conway Log Cabin Democrat

CONWAY — In a contest marked by loose fielding and erratic pitching, Ouachita took the second game with the State Normal, 15 to 9. Neither Savage nor Ellis had any control, the former passing four and hitting three, while Ellis walked nine and “beaned” two. The visitors, however, outbatted the Normal team, and this accounts in the main for their victory. Savage’s wildness was responsible for five scores by the locals in the fifth, when he allowed but one hit.

The Normal team held their own until the eighth, when they blew up and five errors, two bases on balls and three hits were bunched for a total of eight runs. With the game stowed away, the visitors eased up again in the ninth, when a single, a base on balls and a triple resulted in three runs. Ellis showed the effects of his Saturday’s game and was easy for Ouachita, while Savage, barring his lack of control, mystified the Normal batsman. Landers’ catch of Sammons’ line drive to center was the redeeming feature of the game.

Hendrix Baseball Team Disbanded

Players are Disciplined

Champions of 1911 Cancel All Games and Will Not Play This Year

April 5, 1912

Conway Log Cabin Democrat

CONWAY — As a result of the failure of several players to meet the rigid requirements fixed by the faculty, the Hendrix College baseball team has been so badly “shot to pieces” that Coach W.O. Wilson today canceled all games on the Hendrix schedule and announced that the team had been disbanded for the year. Through this action, the team, which won the state collegiate championship last year, will not participate in a single game during 1912.

The announcement was received with the greatest regret by local fans. Coach Wilson stated that the team was already weak in the pitcher’s box and the failure of the players to qualify, left only one dependable twirler. The team was further weakened by the loss of catcher W.W. Parker, who decided several weeks ago not to play this year. In all, about five other regulars on the team were disqualified for failure to make the required grades or for other irregularities. The standard at Hendrix for participation in intercollegiate events of any kind is very severe, the requirements being a passing daily grade and examination grade on at least 10 hours of college work per week, besides a strict conformity to the discipline of the institution.

Coach Wilson today wired coach Miller of Ouachita of the disbanding of the team and has written the other colleges in the association to the same effect. Ouachita was scheduled to play here tomorrow and Saturday.

Coach R.L. Nixon of the State Normal, however, has arranged to play Ouachita here next Saturday and Monday and Tuesday of next week. He said today’s Saturday game will be played at Hendrix park.

Much sympathy is felt for Coach Wilson, who happened to the same misfortune last year, when in charge of the Normal team, at which time his men “fell down” and he was forced to cancel all of his games.

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