August 14, 2019

Arkansas Sports Archives
August 14, 2019
August 14, 2019
August 15, 2019
The 2019 Heber Springs High School Cross Country Schedule:
August 14, 2019
August 14, 2019
August 14, 2019
Central Arkansas Prep Football Association
Third-Grade Schedule
Week 1 — August 24
Week 2 — August 31
Week 3 — September 7
Week 4 — September 14
Week 5 — September 21
Week 6 — September 28
Week 7 — October 5
Fourth-Grade Schedule
Week 1 — August 24
Week 2 — August 31
Week 3 — September 7
Week 4 — September 14
Week 5 — September 21
Week 6 — September 28
Week 7 — October 5
Fifth-Grade Schedule
Week 1 — August 24
Week 2 — August 31
Week 3 — September 7
Week 4 — September 14
Week 5 — September 21
Week 6 — September 28
Week 7 — October 5
Sixth-Grade Schedule
Week 1 — August 24
Week 2 — August 31
Week 3 — September 7
Week 4 — September 14
Week 5 — September 21
Week 6 — September 28
Week 7 — October 5
(* — Denotes Conference Game)
November 11, 1899
Arkansas Gazette
LITTLE ROCK — The Athletics continues to practice faithfully for the coming games. The game with Christian Brothers next Thursday will furnish a thorough line on the speed of the Athletics, as the C.B.C.’s have strengthened very materially and will have a much heavier team than last year. The Athletic admirers are confident their team will win, although the showing the Memphians have made this season justifies the statement that they will come over full equipped with confidence. Hurlburt, the New Orleans Athletic Association guard, is coaching the Christian Brothers. He will be found at that position on the visiting team. The line-up of the Memphis team has not as yet been received, but if their line has many men to equal him as to weight (216 pounds), speed and heavy playing they will have a line that would be invincible on any gridiron.
The maids to accompany Miss Narnee Martin and aid her in championing the visiting team Thursday are Misses Jamie Dunkin and Louise Wright.
Mr. Earle Thompson will handle the reigns for the Memphis sponsors.
Miss Mary Gracie will hold the Athletic colors to the win and will be assisted in championing the home boys by Misses Annie McCarthy, Elsie O’Hair and Mabel Moore.
The University of Arkansas team will contest honors with the Athletics on Thanksgiving Day. The boys from the Ozarks are taking everything before them having won every game they have played this season. This will be the first time the University team has been here for several seasons and they will come en masse to take the town, the girls and the football honors. The alumni of the university in Little Rock, of which there is quite a number, are taking an unusual amount of interest in the Thanksgiving game.
March 21, 1978
(Editor’s Note: For name corrections, and/or to add first names please leave the information in the comments section below. The comments will not be published. The information will be greatly appreciated.)
Teams: Heber Springs 95; Mountain View 18; Vilonia 9.
Discus: 1. Becky Rose (HS), 61-5.5; 2. B. Anderson (HS), 56-4.5; 3. R. Williams (Vilonia), 51-11; 4. L. Cockrell (MV), 50-0
110 Hurdles: 1. Sheila Wynne (HS), 18.6; 2. Lesli Alexander (HS), 18.7; 3. Brenda Bailey (HS), 18.8; 4. Scroggins (MV), 19.7
Long Jump: 1. Sheila Wynne (HS), 14-8; 2. Becky Rose (HS), 14-2; 3. Stoll (HS), 13-8
440 Relay: 1. Heber Springs, 55.5; 2. Mountain View, 60.1; 3. Vilonia, 62-5
Shot Put: 1. Becky Rose (HS), 27-3; 2. Guyer (Vilonia),24-8.5; 3. Janet Caudell (HS), 23-0; 4. Williams (Vilonia), 22-0.5; 5. Stoll (HS), 22-0.25
100: 1. Christie Rhodes (HS), 12.3; 2. Karen Ramsey (HS), 12.8; 3. Cindy Bittle (HS), 12.9; 4. Mode (Vilonia), 13.7
880 Relay: 1. Heber Springs, 1:57.6; 2. Mountain View, 2:09
High Jump: 1. Sheila Wynne (HS), 4-7; 2. Becky Rose (HS), 4-7; 3. Glenn (HS), 4-6
440: 1. Johnson (HS), 1:10.2; 2. Janet Caudell (HS), 1:12.8; 3. Greenway (MV), 1:13.4
880: 1. Cockrell (HS), 3:10; 2. Pruitt (HS), 3:11.1; 3. Hines (MV), 3:12.8; 4. Begley (MV), 3:27
220: 1. Karen Ramsey (HS), 29.3; 2. Lesli Alexander (HS), 30.3; 3. Norman (MV), 31.9; 4. Breeding (MV), 33.8
880 Medley: 1. Heber Springs, 2:08.4; 2. Mountain View, 2:18.0
Notes: Weather was sunny with a little wind. Scoring was 5-3-2-1.
Source: Heber Springs Official Scorebook.
Publisher’s note: Looking to ID the individuals in the photograph. Please leave names in the comments section (the photo ID comments will not be published). Example: Row 1, third from left, John Doe. Thanks!