Heber Springs clips Rose Bud in junior boys action

ROSE BUD – Heber Springs outscored Rose Bud, 25-10, in the second half to claim a 45-22 junior boys victory.

Heber Springs led 8-5 at the end of the first quarter and 20-12 at the half before outscoring the Ramblers, 9-5 in the third quarter and 16-5 in the final stanza.

Liam Buffalo finished with a game-high 16 points while Jude Herring was also in double figures with 10.

HEBER SPRINGS SCORING (45): Weston Warden 3, Liam Buffalo 15, Jacob Haskett 2, Braden Biggs 2, Jacob Harrod 5, Ty West 6, Jude Herring 10, Maddox Shumate 2

ROSE BUD SCORING (22): Martin 5, Bell 6, Bradley 9, Starkey 2

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