PHOTO: Heber Springs Homecoming Parade

Sophomore maid Macy Evans. PHILIP SEATON PHOTO

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PHOTO: Heber Springs Homecoming Pep Rally

Part of the Heber Springs High School royalty poses for photos, bottom from left, Jackson West (23), Zach Thomas (57), Austin Winchester. Ava Noble, Kenan Sneed (15), Madison Clemons, Chris Edwards, Parker Brown, Macy Evans, Corbin Jones. PHILIP SEATON PHOTO

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PHOTO: Heber Springs Homecoming Pep Rally

Some of the 2020 Heber Springs Homecoming royalty, from left, sophomore maid Megan Bull, queen Olivia Norton, junior maid Madison Clemons, sophomore maid Macy Evans, freshman Taylor Parker and freshman Zoey Hendrix. PHILIP SEATON PHOTO

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PHOTO: Heber Springs Homecoming Parade

Heber Springs junior maid Macy Evans in the homecoming parade. PHILIP SEATON PHOTO

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