Batesville Business Booster Directory

Thanks to these businesses/individuals for helping us support not only past athletes but those of the present. Without their gracious support, we would not be able to provide this coverage. Want to see your business or organization listed, just send us a comment below with your contact information (will not be published) or email us at: [email protected]. Individual donations are also accepted.

(Places of worship are provided free space. See page for details)

Harold and Kitty Wilson

Heber Springs Business Booster Directory

Thanks to these businesses/individuals for helping us support not only past athletes but those of the present. Without their gracious support, we would not be able to provide this coverage. Want to see your business or organization listed, just send us a comment below with your contact information (will not be published) or email us at: [email protected]. Individual donations are also accepted.

Ellen Hobgood Gallery
101 South 3rd Street
Heber Springs
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Tate Family Chiropractic
110 North 11th Street
Heber Springs
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(Places of worship are provided free space. See page for details)

Brad and Ashley Sneed
Melanie Willen

Ellen Hobgood Gallery
101 South 3rd Street
Heber Springs
More information

Line-Up of Elevens: Participants in the Coming Memphis-Little Rock Game

One of the most spirited contests ever seen on the gridiron is promised that day

November 12, 1899

Arkansas Gazette

LITTLE ROCK – What promises to be the most exciting and best played game on the gridiron that has taken place in this city for a number of years will be the game of football between the Christian Brothers College of Memphis and the Athletic Association team of this city. The game will be called at West End Park at 3:30 p.m. on next Thursday (November 16).

Hurlburt, who is coaching the Memphis team, is well-known athlete throughout the South, and is recognized as an authority on the pulse of the game. He is captain of the C.B.C. team, playing the position of left guard. This is the position he has held for some seasons on the crack team of the New Orleans Athletic Association. He is an all-around athlete and is to be feared, as he is not only a very heavy man (weighing around 245 pounds), but is quick and knows how to use his head to the advantage of his team. A man who has all of the requisites of a good coach as he has will most assuredly know who to place on his team and where to put them. This is a reason the C.B.C. team is expected to put up an extraordinarily good game. If they could play an 11 to 0 game last year without the assistance of a coach, it remains a foregone conclusion they are going to be heard from in the coming game. From the line-up just received from the manager of the Memphians , the two teams will weigh about the same with probably the advantage of the visiting team.

The line-up of the Memphians and Athletics are as follows:


  • Center – Arnold
  • Right Guard – Hurlburt
  • Left Guard – Smith
  • Right Tackle – McTighe
  • Left Tackle – Meyers
  • Right end – Thomas
  • Left End – Ainslo
  • Right Half Back – H. Bartee
  • Left Half Back – A. Bartee
  • Quarterback – Gamble
  • Full Back – Bergianio
  • C.B.C. Substitutes – Simms, Battier and Sullivan


  • Center – Rose
  • Right Guard – Lowry or Carmichael
  • Left Guard – McNeil
  • Right Tackle – Croxson
  • Left Tackle – Dixon or McGregor
  • Right End – Collins or Ford
  • Left End – Humphrey
  • Right Half Back – Steel or Connelly
  • Left Half Back – Counts
  • Quarterback – O’Hair
  • Full Back – Hutton
  • Athletic Substitutes – Gibson, Turkis, Thompson, Stout and Marre

Gossip of the Gridiron

The boys are putting in good work on the grounds at Fourteenth and Main every night.

The two-mile run every night is getting the boys lots of wind.

Steel has had a little trouble with his shape.

Rose is showing a decided improvement in his work at center.

Ford is running low and tackling hard.

McNeil is playing usual strong game at guard.

There is a big crowd every night to watch the boys practice under the rays of an electric arc.

McGregor is a hard and earnest player.

Croxson’s work can hardly be improved on at tackle.

Collins is practicing hard and making a good showing.

The colors of the C.B.C team are old gold and black.

The association will give a dance in honor of the players Thursday night.

O’Hair is passing ball nicely and is in every play.

Counts on interfering and running can hardly be improved on.

Admission to grounds and grand stand for game is 50 cents.

Just watch the bill boards and the posters for the game.